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Craig Leddy

Using Broadband to Bridge the Generation Gap

The Digital Divide, the gap between people with adequate access to the Internet and people without, produces many side effects related to income, ethnicity, geography, and age. The disparity is substantial.

To put it into context, I will give you a simple example of my grandfather, who still uses old-school paper maps while traveling around the countryside. Who does that anymore, especially in the age of GPS and screen maps? This makes me wonder, how can we as a younger generation help bring my grandfather and his hard-wired generation into this overwhelming modern world??

Using Broadband to Bridge the Generation Gap
Using Broadband to Bridge the Generation Gap

While the world is increasingly connected, approximately 19 million Americans, 6 percent of the U.S. population, live without adequate Internet access, according to the Federal

Communications Commission (knowing the exact size of the digital divide is hampered by

inaccurate data). Some theorists predicted that the digital age would lead to greater

inequalities in social, political, and economic life. They believed that the resulting Digital Divide would create significant barriers between individuals, communities, and nations that have access to computers and related technologies and those that did not.

What are the solutions to tackle and narrow this gap? I’m excited to hear what students from

top business schools will have to say about closing the Digital Divide in the Fall 2021 Interactive Case Competition. Here at Interactive TV Works, we provide a platform for the business students to pitch their ideas as a team in the presence of executive judges, an industry audience, and most importantly, the industry leaders who possess the resources to bring about change. On November 18, the teams will present Future of Broadband Marketing Plans with actionable, go-to-market solutions designed to help close the Digital Divide and provide digital literacy for people – like my grandfather.

The fall competition includes five teams consisting of 25 students from 12 top schools, including NYU Stern, Drexel Lebow, Villanova School of Business, Pace Lubin, Temple Fox, and others. Craig Leddy, the founder of Interactive TV Works and a leading industry educator, provides background information through webinars with expert guest speakers. For further guidance, executive coaches are appointed to mentor each team. The competition offers a great opportunity for students to showcase their talent and develop their skills to be industry-ready. The November 18 event will be held online, featuring the Judges Panel of leading executives who will award prize money to their selection of three top teams. The audience will vote for the winner of the Audience Choice Award. The competition is made possible by sponsors, supporting organizations, and donors whose contributions reward the students and support their education.

Contacts:  Craig Leddy, Interactive TV Works,, 914-310-6831;

Wanita Niehaus, PowerHaus Consultants,, 202-643-2765

About Interactive TV Works, Inc. and Interactive Case Competition

Interactive TV Works, Inc. is an independent consultancy dedicated to promoting an understanding of advanced media technologies and services. Based outside of New York City, its signature event is the twice-annual Interactive Case Competition.


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